PSPC Worship Service

The Worship of the God of Grace in Jesus Christ
October 18, 2020 - 10:00 AM Service
12th Sunday after Pentecost
Liturgical Color: Green
Encountering God by Rev. Bruce Myers

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Pre-worship Music Just Over The Gloryland  Alex Danson
Good Morning Palm Springs Presbyterian Church!

Good news! We are publishing our "Sonshine" Newsletter once again. You will soon be receiving our October issue. For those of you that have email addresses, you will receive the October Newsletter electronically. For those of you who do not communicate via email, we will be mailing the newsletter to you.

Going forward we plan to publish our Sonshine Newsletter each month, so if you have something you would like to contribute to our newsletter, please contact Peggy in the office.
Bible Study will be held on Thursday, Oct 22nd, at 1:30 PM. Please watch your email for the Zoom link to attend the Bible Study session or you may contact Pastor Bruce at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We would like to extend Happy Birthday wishes this week to a very person to us all, Dante Smith Evans.
We wish you, Dante, a blessed day, and may God hold you in his hands for great health and happiness all year long.

Gathering Song God Welcomes All  Hymn #399
One: Exalt the Almighty
and worship at God

Welcoming My Peace  Rev. Bruce Myers
One: When we stand in the presence of the Holy One,
we recognize the ways our lives fall short of the glory of God.
But, still, God draws near to us
in mercy and in grace.
Therefore, with confidence,
let us present our whole selves before the Lord.

All: Living Lord,
in you we live and move and have our being.
You call us to give all that we are
and all that we have
in service to Christ.
But we hold tightly to our treasure,
afraid we will not have enough for ourselves,
and hold back our talents,
afraid these gifts will not be enough.
God, unclench our fists
and help us to give fully and freely
so that, in all things,
we might serve and glorify you.

Passing of the Peace A Child Is Born  Congregarion
One: I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, says the Lord,
and I will show mercy on whom I will show mercy.
Take heart, for the Lord chooses to be gracious to us;
indeed, we have found favor in God,hymnal,purpose,dir_listID,Addl_Instr_PDF FROM pspc_music WHERE fabrik_internal_id=1919 FOR UPDATE

Life of the Church All Creatures of Our God and King  Elder Kay Chabot
Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

Prelude Forgive Us, Lord  Alex Danson
Sovereign God, let your Word rule in our hearts
and your Spirit govern our lives
until at last we see the fulfillment
of your realm of justice and peace;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Call to Worship (Responsive) Praise Ye the Lord, the Almighty  Elder Kay Chabot
I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, to present yourselves as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God.
Let us offer our lives to the Lord.
Romans 12:1

Opening Hymn Soon And Very Soon (5/20/12)  Hymn #15
God of unending gifts, we praise you for your abundant goodness.
As you are generous, we want to be generous too.
May the gifts we bring extend your generosity into the world,
so that all people may be made whole by your goodness and grace. Amen.

Prayer of Adoration & Confession (Responsive) Psalm 99: 1-9  Elder Kay Chabot
Pastor: May the everlasting God shield you,
            east and west and wherever you go.
            And the blessing of God be upon you.
Pastor: The blessing of Christ be upon you.
Pastor: The blessing of the Spirit be upon you.
Pastor: The blessing of the Trinity be upon you.
            Now and forever more.

(A moment for silent reflection) Exodus 33: 12-23  Elder Kay Chabot

Assurance of Forgiveness (Responsive) Seek Ye First  Hymn #581

Praise Hymn 1 Thessalonians 1: 1-10  Hymn #35

Prayers of the People & Lord's Prayer Matthew 22: 15-22  Rev. Bruce Myers

Anthem Encountering God  Elder Kay Chabot

Prayer for Illumination (Unison) When We Are Living  Elder Kay Chabot

Psalter Lesson (Unison) I've Got Peace Like A River  Elder Kay Chabot

Hebrew Lesson May Your Presence Go With Us  Hymn #175

Song of Preparation Rev. Bruce Myers

Epistle Lesson Rev. Bruce Myers

Gospel Lesson Rev. Bruce Myers

Pastor: "The Word of the Lord." People: "Thanks be to God." Hymn #822

Sermon Alex Danson

In Response Hymn #606

Morning Tithes and Offerings Rev. Bruce Myers

Offertory Rev. Bruce Myers


Prayer of Dedication

A Challenge to Go Forth

A Sending Song



10:00 AM
Rev. Bruce Myers
Encountering God
Going into God's World as God's Messengers
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Worship Services:
Sundays at 10:00 AM
(760) 320-2769

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April 28, 2024, 10:00:00
''Juicy Fruit, by Gum''
Rev. Ron Duvall
Psalm 22:25-31, I John 4: 7-21, John 15: 1-8

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May 5, 2024

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Questions for Pastor Pat

Have questions about the Bible? Write your questions and drop them off in the box in the Fellowship Hall. Pastor Pat will answer as many questions as she can in a future sermon.